



第2条 会員登録


第3条 ID、パスワード、及びセキュリティ


第4条 本サービス

  1. 本サービスは、求職活動の場を提供することを目的とするものであり、面接の約束や仕事の提供を意味するものではありません。当社は、本サービスにより仕事が見つかることや、会員を求人企業に対して必ず推薦することを保証するものではなく、これらが見つからなかったことに起因または派生する損害に対して一切責任を負いません。
  2. 当社は、会員が送信したキャリアシート、アンケートその他会員に関する情報(以下総称して「キャリアシート等」)の内容または掲載企業が会員に対し行う連絡の内容に関して、一切責任を負わず、本サービスを通じ送信されたキャリアシート等の内容確認や変更も一切行いません。ただし
    ① 期限切れの記録を削除する場合
    ② 本サービス運営のうえで削除が適切であると当社が判断した場合
    ③ 本利用規約の定めに会員が違反した場合、あるいは会員が会員登録の際に提供した情報に虚偽の事実が含まれていることが判明した場合
    ④ 知的財産権その他の権利を保護するために行う場合
    ⑤ 法令違反の場合、または他の会員や第三者の権利侵害を防止するために行う場合
  3. 当社は、会員と掲載企業との間の紛争に関与する義務を一切負いません。会員は掲載企業との間で紛争が生じた場合、そのような紛争あるいは本サービスにより発生するかそれに関係するあらゆる種類の請求、要求、債務、損害(直接損害か間接損害かを問いません)について、当社及びその管理者、役員、従業員、親会社、子会社、代理人及び承継人に対する請求を行うことができないものとします。
  4. 当社は本サービスの全部または一部及び関連するサービスの提供をいつでも、その理由及び通知のいかんを問わず、直ちに停止または終了することができます。本サービス終了とともに、会員の本サービスを使用する権利も終了します。また、その場合、当社は、会員がID及びパスワードを入力することによりアクセスできる本サービスの専用ページ内にあるコンテンツを維持したり、未読あるいは未送信のメッセージを会員または第三者に転送する義務を負わないものとします。本サービスのご利用料金は不要ですが、本サービスにアクセスするための回線料金やプロバイダ費用等は全て会員のご負担となります。

第5条 禁止行為

  1. 本サービスの使用時には次のいかなる行為も無条件に禁止されています。
    ① 匿名または偽名で、本サービスを使用し、キャリアシート等を作成し応募したり、メッセージや情報を投稿しまたは送信すること。
    ② 虚偽の内容を含むキャリアシート等を作成し応募したり、虚偽の内容を含むメッセージや情報を投稿しまたは送信すること。
    ③ 犯罪行為もしくは犯罪行為に結びつく行為、民事責任を発生させる行為、ハラスメント、ストーカー行為、脅迫その他、会員に適用される法令その他の法規に違反する行為もしくはそのおそれのある行為、他者の名誉または信用を毀損しあるいは誹謗中傷する行為もしくはそのおそれのある行為、わいせつ、賭博、暴力、残虐などの情報を送信する行為もしくはそのおそれのある行為、公序良俗に反する行為、その他当社が不適切と判断した行為
    ④ 他者のプライバシーまたは個人情報を許可なく掲載または送信すること。
    ⑤ ウィルス、ワーム等コンピューターを汚染しまたは破壊する恐れのある情報、ファイル及びソフトウェアを掲載または送信すること。
    ⑥ 著作権のある文書、画像あるいはプログラムであって使用許諾を得ていないもの、営業秘密その他財産的価値を有する機密情報、不法に使用されている商標あるいはサービスマークなど、他者の権利を侵害するメッセージ、データ、画像あるいはプログラムを掲載または送信すること。
    ⑦ 手段にかかわらず本サービスの運営を妨げ、あるいは本サービスの他の会員を妨害すること。
    ⑧ 他者に関する情報を承諾なく収集または開示すること。
    ⑨ 本利用規約で認められる場合を除き、本サービスの他の会員のディレクトリ、あるいは本サービスの利用に関する情報、掲載情報の一部または全部を、使用し、ダウンロードその他の方法によりコピーし、または、本サービスの会員以外の個人または法人に有償無償を問わず提供すること。
    ⑩ IDまたはパスワードの探知、ハッキングまたはその他の手段により、本サービス、他のアカウント、本サービスに接続されたコンピュータシステムまたはネットワークへの不法アクセスを試みること。
    ⑪ 本サービスを介して技術データやソフトウェアの国外への送信に関する法令その他の適用法令に違反すること。
    ⑫ 本サービスを利用して、営業活動、営利を目的とした情報提供活動をおこなうこと。
  2. 当社は、会員による本サービスの使用を監視し、もしくは使用のセッションの内容を保持する義務も負わないものとします。ただし、当社は法令、行政庁の監督、裁判所の命令等がある場合、または訴訟その他の法的手続きに関して必要がある場合、自己または第三者のために必要な情報を、いかなる時においても監視し、調査し、記録保存し、保有し、開示する権利を有します。

第6条 除名


第7条 免責/責任の制限


第8条 補償


第9条 提供された情報の当社による利用について


第10条 会員登録の取消


第11条 本利用規約の変更


第12条 専属合意管轄裁判所


第13条 準拠法


第14条 付則


第1条 (個人情報の取得等)


第2条 (通信機器固有IDおよび行動履歴等の情報の利用)

  1. 当社は、本サービスを提供するにあたって、利用者が当社サービス等をご利用いただくことに伴取得した、通信機器固有ID(通信機器本体等に関する情報(製造番号、機種名、品番等)、コンテンツの行動履歴情報(閲覧履歴等)、位置情報、通信環境に関する技術情報等の情報を取得することがあります。当社は、当社が取得するこれらの情報について、本規約に従い、取り扱います。
  2. 当社は、第1項の規定に基づいて当社が取得する行動履歴等の情報を、前条の規定に基づいて当社が取得する利用者の個人情報とは別個に取り扱います。また、当社は、これらの別箇に取り扱う情報について、会社内外で相互に交換、照合、その他の方法により関連付けることはできません。
  3. 当社は、第1項の規定に基づいて当社が取得する行動履歴等の情報を、個人情報と関連付けない状態でマーケティング情報等の統計分析の資料として利用、販売等する場合がございます。

第3条 (取得する情報の利用目的)


  1. 利用者からの問い合わせへの対応および当社サービスの利用に関する手続きのご案内や情報の提供等のカスタマーサポートのため
  2. 利用者の利便性向上、品質改善および有益なサービスの提供を目的として、利用状況の分析、効果測定、その他各種マーケティング調査および分析を行うため並びに個人が識別できない状態でそれらの第三者への提供のため
  3. 当社および協業する会社のサービス等のご案内のため
  4. 紛争および訴訟等の対応のため
  5. 当社が提供する特典の適用の有無を識別するため
  6. コンテンツ提供者との間において、料金支払いおよび売上金の分配額を計算するため
  7. 当社サービスの不正契約・不正利用(不正ID取得)の防止および発生時に調査等を行うため
  8. その他、当社サービスの提供に必要な業務のため

第4条 (アプリケーションの利用)

  1. 当社は、アプリケーションの提供にあたり、個人情報、通信機器固有ID(通信機器本体等に関する情報(製造番号、機種名、品番等)および行動履歴等の送出が必要な場合に、取得の同意が得られない場合は、本アプリケーションの利用を制限する場合または提供を見合わせる場合がございます。
  2. 当社が定めた利用期間および方法で、日本国内に限りコンテンツを利用することができます。
  3. ユーザーは、個人的な利用のみを目的としてコンテンツを閲覧するものとし、商業目的などで不特定多数にコンテンツを閲覧させることや、コンテンツを譲渡、複製、貸与、公衆送信などすること、またはこれらの行為を第三者に行わせることはできません。

Corporation TG · e Protech (hereinafter referred to as the "Company".) Is provided web site which we plan administration "JP JOBS" (hereinafter, referred to as the "site".) Through all of the services (hereinafter referred to as the "service".) in providing to anyone, you defined as follows: the JP JOBS Terms of use.Co., Ltd. TG · e Protech (hereinafter referred to as the "Company".), The web site "JP JOBS" (hereinafter, referred to as the "site".) That the Company is planning and management all of which are offered through service (hereinafter referred to as the "service".) in providing to anyone, we defined as follows: the JP JOBS Terms of use.
It should be noted that the use of the Service (as defined in Article 1.) Was the case, since it is assumed that you agree to the following JP JOBS Terms of Service, before you can take advantage of this service, the JP JOBS Terms of Use please read carefully. In addition, all of the Terms of Use and other terms and conditions the Company separately determined Upon provision of incidental services of this service (hereinafter referred to as "associated Terms of Service, etc.".) Is a book JP JOBS Terms and integrally with the user It is is is because those applied on (hereinafter, collectively, the JP JOBS Terms of use and the accompanying service Terms such as "Terms".), also please verify accompanying Terms of service, and the like.

Article 1 definition

  1. "Service", is provided through this site, providing information services and application method provides services for the jobs we, incidental services of this service, which forms the Service and heck, of services and all other services related to them It is a generic term.
  2. "User" means a person of all to use this service.
  3. "Use" is, the act of viewing even the part about any of the information provided through this site, all of the information transmission done through acts such as other this service or on this service to apply for a job opportunities that are provided through this site Acts, and refers to all of the activities performed by the user through other this service.
  4. The "Agreement", established between the Company and the user, says the use of contract based on this Agreement.
  5. The term "member" means a person who has completed a membership registration of the user.It is to be noted that, by becoming a member, you will be able to use the members-only of the services we separately determined.
  6. "Account" refers to the e-mail address and password for login required in order to use this service as a member.
  7. "Member information", it refers to all of the information we seek Upon the user to apply for membership registration.
  8. The "registration information" means any information about the member to member, including the member information has been provided to us.
  9. And The "cancel membership", means that to lose its position as a member.
  10. The "withdrawal", and users mean that to a loss of status as a self-membership based on their intention.
  11. The "e-mail magazine", means the guidance of a regular e-mail of our Jobs · campaign information and questionnaires, etc. to provide in connection with the Service (may contain advertising and publicity).

Article 2 applies

  1. This Agreement, provides information about the jobs we provide the application method, etc., is intended to define the terms and conditions for the use of this service, and shall be applied to all of the users of the service.
  2. For the accompanying service of this service, which forms the Service and integrated, accompanying Terms of Service or the like is applied in preference to this job sense Terms and Conditions, for no matter the set forth in the accompanying Terms of Service, etc., this JP JOBS Terms of Use There shall be applied.
  3. without obtaining the user's consent, we can change this Agreement at any time. What we, if you change this agreement is intended to that effect notify the user, after the entry into force of the notice, if the user is using this service, the user, who agreed to the change of the Terms it is assumed to be. It should be noted that the rights and obligations that have occurred actually on the basis of this Agreement, unless otherwise specified in the contract after the change (hereinafter referred to as the "New Rules"), shall not be affected by the new contract.

Article 3 Notification mail magazine from the Company

  1. The Company makes to the user, all of the notification to the for this service, e-mail and other company's e-mail address that is present on the site or the user has registered in this service is done by the method deemed appropriate. In addition, the user, by the membership application to the Service, e-mail magazine delivery registration is carried out, and shall consent in advance that the delivery is started.
  2. Efficacy of e-mail notification of this site or on the email address that the user has registered, shall be generated with the point at which we have sent the notification, in the case of using any other notification method, the potency of the notification, the notification shall be generated at the time when the period of time reasonably required has elapsed to reach each user.
  3. Notification of efficacy provided for in the preceding two paragraphs, each user, regardless of whether or not received or recognized a notification to the reality, shall be generated.

Article 4 This service eligibility

  1. This service is only for the person who agree to this Agreement shall be able to use, if the user has to use this service, you are deemed to have agreed to this Agreement.
  2. members-only services, as long as the member himself, and shall be available in accordance with the conditions set forth by the Company. In addition, members, the status or rights as a member, transferred to a third party, regardless of fee free of charge, loan, collateral, share other you will not be able to act analogous thereto between users.

Article 5 member registration

  1. The user, on the condition that they agree to comply with this Agreement, the member information from the registration screen on this site by providing to the Company, it is possible to apply for a membership registration of this service to the Company you.
  2. The user, upon request of the membership registration, truth, integrity, we must provide accurate and up-to-date information on the Company.
  3. We are, by our standards to review the user's application, if the Company has been approved, the user shall be able to the use of members-only service as a member of this service.
  4. member, if there is a change in the registration information, by the procedure established by the Company without delay, will make a change of registration information.
  5. We are, if the person who has applied for membership on the basis of the first term is determined that either of the events of each issue of the following, you can reject the membership registration.
    (1) in violation of this Agreement or if there is the fear that if we determine
    (2) The Company in regard to the whole or part of the member information that has been provided, false information and clerical error, insufficient information, inaccurate information, omissions, or if there is information that is not up-to-date ones
    (3) If the Company has determined that the person engaged in the business that can compete with this service
    (4) regardless of whether for self or a third party, beyond the objective scope of the present service, commercial, advertising, or there is a possibility that you or to use use the Service other in purpose and intent of the customer attraction etc. If the Company has determined that
    (5) If the past is a person that the membership registration of this service was canceled reject, or membership
    (6) anti-social forces, etc. (gangsters, gang members, right-wing organizations, anti-social ones, were those of organizations, companies and forces in other anti-social forces or the past five years, or their organizations, companies, It refers to belong to the person and related to the person or persons who had been to have person-relations belong to the past five years in power. hereinafter the same.) and is, or funding other through the maintenance of such anti-social forces, management or equal to cooperate or participate in the management and have done some kind of exchange or involvement with anti-social forces, etc. If the Company determines
    (7) Other, if the Company and it is reasonable to reject the membership registration has determined
  6. It is, after membership registration approval, before either of the events (except for each item, for the No. 2 there is a "member information" shall be deemed to be replaced with the term "registration information", "reject the membership registration" for No. 5 you read as "cancel membership" from.) If it is determined that corresponds to, along with the cancel the membership, thereafter, to prohibit all or part of use of the services of the user (denial of access to the site , or we say that of all of the measures by the Company to the other the use of the service impossible in whole or in part. hereinafter the same.) you can. The Company can not be held take action obligations under this section, the user, for that we did not take or have taken measures based on this section, you will not be able to challenge.
  7. Company, any damage or loss caused to the user by the Company went act under this section (emotional distress, including all of the disadvantages, including lost profits or other monetary damages. Or less, the same.) For I will not assume any responsibility.

Article 6 Account Management

  1. Member is intended to manage and store the account at your own risk, disclose this to third parties, rent, transfer, and the name change, or sale or purchase shall not be.
  2. If a member is in violation of the preceding paragraph, or the Company has determined that there is a suspected, with some able to stop the use of the Member's account, you may want to ban any and all use of the then of the Services of the user .
  3. Account management insufficient, as well as any damages to the user caused by such use of malpractice on the use or a third party, the Company does not assume any responsibility, and shall not perform any of the damages and compensation.
  4. Users can account is stolen, if you recognize the possibility that is being used to a third party, immediately notifies to that effect in the manner prescribed by the Company to the Company, and shall be in accordance with the instructions from the Company you.

Article 7 Withdrawal

  1. The user, by performing a withdrawal procedure established by the Company, and shall be able to withdraw. It should be noted that, after the withdrawal, even if that was again member registration, registration information before the withdrawal is not taken over, you can not use the withdrawal before the account.
  2. The Company, a period of time set by the company, even for no use of the service user, and shall be able to take similar measures and the preceding paragraph. It should be noted that, even as some sort of damage to the user caused by the measures that we have taken in accordance with this section, the Company does not assume any responsibility, and shall not perform any of the damages and compensation.

Article 8 Prohibitions

We users prohibited to perform the following acts, if the user determines that were either acts of less, without prior notice to the user, thereafter, all of the use of the services of the user or you can disable the part.The Company can not be held take steps obligation under this section, the user, for that we did not take or have taken steps under this section, you will not be able to challenge. Even as some sort of damage to the user is occurring as a result of the measures under this section was not taken or that we have taken, our company does not assume any responsibility, and shall not perform any of the damages and compensation.
(1) Terms or laws and regulations (including those users in countries and regions that are located, including any such ordinance guidelines, voluntary industry standards and regulations. Hereinafter the same.) The act or risk the violation of the of certain Acts
(2) public order and morals contrary to act, act of departing from the social common sense, wisdom
(3) false or act of sending through the information of this service or in the service including the error
(4) concealment such as the adoption fact, (including all of the actions that may interfere with the operation of this service by the Employers. Hereinafter the same.) Fraud of jobs companies act to cooperate with the
(5) The Company, other users, Jobs companies and other third party of property rights (patent rights, trademark rights, including any intellectual property rights such as copyright.) Or rights such as privacy, all legal act a violation of the rights
(6) The Company, other users, the act of slander Job companies and other third parties
(7) the act of using the anti-social forces such as the use of the relevant while this service to, or the services to hide that they are applicable to anti-social forces, etc.
(8) the act of using this service while the business that can compete with this service
(9) regardless of whether for self or a third party, commercial, advertising, or other act of using this service in the purpose and intent of the customer attraction etc.
(10) management of this service, act of any that may interfere with the Company's management
(11) Other, of all acts that the Company deems inappropriate

Article 9 Deletion of Information

The Company, the information transmission act through this service or in the service by the user, if it is determined that corresponds to the preceding Article given act, information that has been sent from a person referred to as the right person is to the effect that violate their rights or when there is a declaration, if it is determined that it is necessary to remove the information, without prior notice to users can delete the information.

Article 10 protection of personal information concerning

  1. Businesses handling personal information
    Co., Ltd. TG · e Protech
  2. Purpose of use of the user's personal information
    ○ Personal information to get directly from the person
    (1) the answer to the inquiry and consultation of users, consultation
    (2) please contact to the user, News
    (3) the user's personal authentication
    (4) provide to the company that the user has been selected
    (5) (including the electronic money. Hereinafter the same.) Cash contribution, products, and for the payment shipping and provision of such services, provided to the financial institutions and our partners
    (6) the confirmation of the user's registration information
    (7) questionnaire, campaign, contact for providing other information
    (8) for the investigation of such use and false information registration of the person engaged in the business that can compete are prohibited by the Terms of Use, etc.
    (9) individuals on processed into a format that can not be identified, create statistics and analysis data
    (10) because of the business that our operations to, outsourcing did on taking protective measures
    (11) In addition to the preceding items, because of the offer of services to which this service and we operate
    ○ Personal information to get outside directly from the person
    (12) use our trade personal information of the photo, name or the like contained in the consignment has been advertising content from companies like in ads
  3. Use of personal information of our trading partners like
    ○ Personal information obtained directly from the person
    (1) answer to companies like inquiries, consultation
    (2) (including the presence or absence of the adoption.) This service usage of companies like confirmation of, contact, inform
    (3) of the companies like in the business that the Company's management to personal authentication
    (4) questionnaire, campaign, contact for providing other information
    (5) for the business, which the Company's management to, outsourcing did on taking protective measures
    (6) individuals on processed into a format that can not be identified, create statistics and analysis data
    (7) In addition to the preceding items, because of the offer of services to which this service and we operate
    ○ Personal information to get other than directly from the person
    (8) to get the telemarketing information and the like from the consignees, use in telemarketing
    (9) be obtained by phone at telemarketing personal information of companies like the person in charge, available to enterprise management
  4. Contact has been use of personal information of the person
    (1) answer to your inquiry, consultation
    (2) contact, News
    (3) questionnaire, campaign, contact for providing other information
    (4) for the business, which the Company's management to, outsourcing did on taking protective measures
  5. Personal information to provide
    For this service, in order to achieve a second term No. 4 and No. 5 of the purpose of use, the Company, the user's personal information, we will provide jobs companies, financial institutions such as the following.
    ① purpose ※ the second term of the user's personal information (4)
    For users of employment, it provides the following items in the paper and electronic media
    Name, gender, date of birth, telephone number, and the current occupation and e-mail address
    ② purpose ※ the second term of the user's personal information (5)
    Because of the cash contribution, products and services such as payment, shipping and supply, provided by the electronic media the following items
    Name and transfer account information and products shipping destination contacts and other cash contribution, matters necessary for the payment and shipment of the product

  6. Handling behavioral history with Cookie information
    For ①Cookie information We use the Cookie information, browse pages of users who have access to our site, we have to get the action history information, such as the use time zone.
    Collection of behavioral history information, the user's privacy protection, improvement of convenience, optimization of advertising effectiveness, and will be used for understanding usage. These data are anonymous, name, address, it does not contain personal information such as date of birth.
  7. Outsourcing of personal information processing
    You may outsource some or all of the personal information handling business.
  8. Any of the personal information supplied
    The Company, when the use of this service, you will be asked to provide personal information necessary to achieve the purpose of use. It is not always necessary to get answers to all the items, but if you were not able to answer all of the items, you may not be able to use some of the sites and services to our operations.
  9. About the procedure of disclosure request.
    (1) offer destination for disclosure, etc. Co., Ltd. TG · e Protech customers Consultation Officer
    Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo Gotanda 5-22-27 Kanpai building 6F
    (2) acceptance of the claims of the disclosure, etc.
    With respect to requests for disclosure, etc., please visit e-mail or directly.
    (3) identification method
    Phone: name, telephone number and e-mail address
    Please visit: identification
    such as driver's license, passport (4) Fees
    free. However, if you make a change for the commission, it will be pre-announced.
    (5) billing method for disclosure by proxy
    Depending on the relationship between the person in question, please submit the following proof.
    ○ legal representative
    · Documents one copy of the order to confirm that there is a legal right of representation
    (Family register, in the case of parental authority is also a copy of the insurance card for dependents has been filled acceptable)
    · Documents one copy of the order to confirm that the legal representative is the person himself (Copy of driver's license or health insurance card of the legal representative)
    ○ by delegation - Power of attorney 1 copy
    · Documents one copy of the order to confirm that the agent is your identity
    (A copy of the representative of the driver's license or health insurance card)
  10. Inquiries and complaints offer destination related to personal information
    Co., Ltd. TG · e Protech customer consultation Officer
    [It is not in the Contact for our services]

use of Article 11 Information

The Company, in addition to set forth in the preceding article, information of usage history, etc. of the present service (browsing history, but includes the application history, etc., but not limited to these.), And regardless of the before and after membership registration (even if they are no longer a member includes. or less the same.), assumed to be able to browse and use, the user shall consent to this in advance. In addition, the Company, the user send and receive history of messages and the like between the jobs companies (including the contents-opening status, etc., but is not limited to these.) And calling information, either before or after membership registration, it shall be able to view and use.

Article 12 Application deadline of Article 12 adopted cash contribution

Our cash contribution payment obligations, the user is, the questionnaire for within 90 days from the date of applying for and jobs we after the first day of work, the application and transfer account information and work can be confirmed material of adoption cash contribution, and this service improvement and word-of-mouth, etc., it may occur due to the submission by the method specified separately by the Company the information we requested. If you did not request and submitted to the Company within that period, it is assumed you do not wish to receive the adoption of cash contribution, application and submit after this period, it will be disabled.

Article 13 the responsibility of the user

  1. The user, on the consent to this Agreement, and shall assume that to use this service on the basis of their own responsibility, bear all of the responsibility for the fact that using this service.
  2. user is in violation of this Agreement, any damages to the Company (general damages, special damages, costs and expenses required for the measures taken in order to restore the image of the service, as well as court costs, attorneys' fees, and other It includes all of the costs that we took for conflict resolution. and the same in this section.) If you give, the user will bear the obligation to compensate immediately any damage to the Company. However, if the user has reported the fraud to the Company to know the existence of the fraud of Employers, at our discretion, you may be exempt from the obligation of the user.
  3. (Including if you want to send through the auxiliary-agent such as registration information input.) The transmission of the user the jobs companies due to the fact that contains false or incorrect information, between the other third parties and users If in the dispute occurred, such as if the dispute due to the contract between the user and the Employers has occurred, in connection with the service, in between the other user Jobs companies and other third parties in the case that caused the conflict, and shall be settled between all parties, the user, so as not to bother of all the company, compensation, etc. of damage to Work with companies, other third parties, all other necessary measures in addition to taking appropriate, immediately after having notified of the contents of the Company, based on the request of the Company, and shall report the progress and results to the company. It should be noted that, if the Company has suffered some sort of damage by these disputes, the user will bear the obligation to compensate immediately any damage to the Company.

Article 14 Exemption

  1. The Company, on any of the information that we · Careers companies and other third parties to provide through the information, and the like other this service or on this service for the jobs we on this service, accuracy, currency, usefulness, compatibility , integrity, safety, it does not guarantee the legality and all other reason, than this is also not assume any responsibility as any damage to the user has occurred, and shall not perform any of the damages and compensation.
  2. Information about the jobs we provided through the Service or on the Service, published by the responsibility of the third party who post jobs company, and other relevant information (hereinafter, referred to as the "Work with companies, etc." in this section.) is intended to be, due to the information about the jobs we also as some kind of trouble or damage is caused to the user, it is assumed that the solution to the absolutely between the user and the Work with companies, we all not bear the responsibility, and shall not perform any of the damages and compensation.
  3. what our company is to stop, interrupt, stop of this service, is also not assume any responsibility as a change of content and specifications, or any damage to the user by the end of the offer has occurred, not performed any of the damages and compensation will do. Access excessive, degradation or failure or the like of the display speed in other unexpected factors will be the same even if that occurred.
  4. Company ads each advertiser is posted on this site, external sites linked from each page of this service or for each page of an external site, the accuracy, currency, usefulness, suitability, integrity , safety, does not guarantee the legality and all other events, which also does not assume any liability as any damage to the user has occurred, and shall not perform any of the damages and compensation.
  5. The user, store the necessary information to be provided through the Service or on this service at their own responsibility, and shall be responsible for backup, all the responsibilities as well as some sort of damage to the user caused by the deletion or lost of information without incurring, and shall not perform any of the damages and compensation.
  6. Of this Agreement, in the case of that all of the provisions that immunity completely our tort liability, which is against the implementation of the Company's debt default or debt or part does not apply has been determined by a court of competent jurisdiction , if the damage to the user due to the Company's debt default or tort has occurred, only the normal damage caused directly and reality to the user, it is assumed that we are responsible for the damages. However, when the Company there is a willful or gross negligence, you and this shall not apply stuff.

Article 15 service of the stop, etc.

  1. We, at our discretion, if any of the following items, without giving prior notice to the user, at any time, you can stop, suspend or withdraw all or part of this service.
    (1) When the maintenance and inspection of equipment in accordance with the present service performed on a regular basis or emergency
    (2) a computer, if the communication line or the like is stopped by accident
    (3) fire, power failure, if you can no longer provide this service by force majeure such as natural disaster
    (4) The Company is an abnormality of the installation or management to equipment, failure, failure when the reason you can not provide other this service the user has occurred
    (5) If you can no longer provide this service by the reason that it does not depend on our responsibility
    (6) If the alleged complaints against the service, or if there is the fear
    (7) Other, if the Company determines that requires a break, stop, stop
  2. We, also as some sort of damage to the user caused by the measures that we have taken on the basis of this section, the Company does not assume any responsibility, and shall not perform any of the damages and compensation.

Article 16 change of this service, the end

  1. Our company, if it is determined that the Company is required, without giving prior notice to the user, at any time, while maintaining the same property as change the contents or specifications of this service (service, more information on what this service for all or part of the specification, it refers to be a different content and specifications.) can be.
  2. Our company, if it is determined that the Company is required, at any time, to terminate the end (the entire service of providing the provision of this service, and do not remain the same as a service, of this service description and specifications all or for some, it says that the different content and specifications.) can be. In this case, the Company shall endeavor to prior notice to the user.

Article 17 separability

Any provision or part of this Agreement, by a court of competent jurisdiction, illegal, invalid, or even if that were to be unenforceable, the remainder will remain in force thereafter. In addition, illegal, invalid, or about also been provision or partially unenforceable, the nearest valid clause with the spirit of that provision or part to apply to replace the invalid provision or part or spirit of that provision or part, we apply mutatis reasonable interpretation so as to be closest to the effective provisions to.

Article 18 surviving provisions

Regardless of whether or not this agreement is alive, Article 2, Section 2, Paragraph 3 of the same Article, Article 3, write a fifth paragraph 6, the same Article 7 paragraph, paragraph 3 of Article 6 , the first term of your writing Article 7, the same Article the second term of your book, Article 8, second sentence, third sentence Article 8, Article 9 or Article 14, paragraph 2 Article 15, Article 16 Section 3, Article 17, this section and 19 Article, shall continue in force.

Article 19 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

For all related to this service shall be interpreted in accordance with the Japanese law, for any dispute relating to this Agreement, and the Tokyo District Court as the first instance of the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts.

Article 20 consultation solve

The Company and the user, in the case of doubt on the interpretation of no matters or the Terms set forth in this Agreement has occurred, in consultation in accordance with the principle of good faith with each other, and shall attempt to resolve as soon as possible.