皆さんこんにちは。JP JOBSでは、履歴書の代わりに「経歴」「自己PR」を登録してもらっています。採用担当者がその情報を見て、自社の採用基準に合うかどうかを判断します。

  1. 企業名…直近(いちばん最近)勤めていた会社の名前を書きます。
  2. 職務内容…あなたがしていた仕事の具体的な内容を書きます。
  3. 事業内容…ここでは、勤めていた会社が、どういう事業をしている会社なのかという「事業内容」を書きます。たとえば、「ソフトウェア開発・販売」などです。
  4. 勤務期間…勤務していた期間を選択します。
  5. 雇用形態…「アルバイト」「正社員」など、どういうかたちで仕事をしていたか(雇用形態)を選びます。
  6. 役職を書きます。日本では、「課長」「部長」「マネージャー」「チームリーダー」など、様々な「役職」があります。自分のポジションがどういうものであったか、日本での呼び名に変えて書きましょう。






  1. 学生時代の活動をアピ―ル…日本の会社では、会社での上下関係、コミュニケーションがうまくできるかの判断として、学生時代の活動、特にスポーツや部活動に注目します。学生時代に何か活動をしてきた人は、それをアピールしましょう。
  2. 前の会社では、「何を大切にして仕事をしてきたか」「どういう成果を上げたか」について書きましょう。
  3. 日本で就職しようと思ったきっかけを書きましょう。日本人は、みんな日本が大好きです。日本の文化に興味を持っていることをアピールすると、会話が弾みます。
  4. 最後に、自分の得意なことや、働きたい熱意を書きましょう。


Hello, everyone. In JP Jobs, you have to create your history and register self PR instead of regular CVs to apply a job. Your history and self PR are essential for Japanese companies to choose whether you are perfect match for their organizations or not.
Now, we would like to suggest you the better way to create your history and self PR, which will describe your talents and skills. Moreover, personal skills revealing self PR are applicable for interviews. So let's learn together here to create attractive self PR.

  1. Company name : The previous company where you worked for.
  2. Duties : Describe detailed roles and duties of your previous job. It will be better if you describe your position in this company, how you handled clients' issues, develop relationships with them, applications of technologies and the way you work harmoniously with your colleges.(Example; If you described that you worked as a team leader who set guidelines and improve the rate of company's development.) It will help the clients know which positions and responsibilities you took before and also means you are excellent in managerial skills and communication skills. You can also add that how you replaced the previous company traditional ways with ways to perform smartly.
  3. Type of Business : The market conditions and products/services of your previous company. (Eg ; Software company, Sales, etc)
  4. Working hour : Choose the duration of working hours.
  5. Employment : Choose part time or Full Time Employment.
  6. Position : In Japan, Head Manager, General Manager, Team Leader positions are widely accepted. Describe your position in this way.
    If you have worked for more than two companies, edit with (+ word History) and then describe the names of these companies.

Personal record (PR) is the way to describe precisely about your personality, types of jobs you are specialized in and the future plan of your life.
Firstly, you have to think from your clients' views before you prepare your PR. After viewing your PR, the clients will decide to let you integrate to their organizations based on your motivation, social dealings with other staffs and the mutual benefits between you and their organizations.

Here, it's an example for you.


I am from Mandalay, Myanmar. Since I was a high school student, I love to learn programming and I satisfied my curiosities by reading books and searching with the help of google. I am really good at Maths. I love playing football and I took the role of team captain whenever my team played against others.
After passing my high school student's life, I continued learning Programming in Yangon in order to be an engineer. As my hobby, playing football, cannot be separated from my body, I led my team to participate in the national university football tournament. Participating in this tournament is the most memorable days of my life.
I worked for an IT company as soon as I got graduated. This time my responsibilities were to develop the infrastructures of this company. I gave my 100% to smooth the relationships building process with customers from inquiry handling to delighting the customers although facing with customers did not include in my responsibilities.
Let me tell you the reasons why I would like to work in Japan. Animes, 3D Animations and the culture of Japan are the causes to drive me to work in Japan. I am sure my skills will be improved when I get a chance to work for Japan companies where I can learn advanced technologies. I also would like to be a bridge between Japan and my native country, Myanmar.
When I was working for IT company in Myanmar, I worked harmoniously with people from other countries and learnt together with those who have different and diverse culture.
So I am ready and excitedly looking forward the days to work in Japan.

Example -Points of Self PR;
  1. Activities in student's life : In Japan, relationships with high ranking officers, good communication skills are the most important. As the clients choose the new blood based on these skills, let's write activities in your student's life and other activities in your PR as your strengths.
  2. Write your working experiences; the roles and responsibilities of your working life, your jobs specialization and the way you increase the improvement rates of your teams.
  3. Don't forget to write the reasons you love to work in Japan ; Japanese people love whenever you describe their lovely culture and you love Japan. So in order to communicate well with these people, you need to describe these facts in your PR.
  4. Finally, the conclusions of your PR will be better if you end your PR with your talents, your skills, your strengths and enthusiastic spirits to work in Japan.

What is your opinion?
To create attractive self PR, let's highlight your skills, talents and interesting history of your life. If you can describe these in detailed and interesting, your PR will be first choice of the clients.
Of course, it is not so easy to describe self PR in other languages, so in order to highlight your talents and skills precisely and effectively, asking help to check your PR to those who are experts in Japanese language and native speakers will help you a lot.